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Meet our current Land Justice Focus Communities!

Members of the CSJ Land Justice Team

“At this transitional moment in the history of religious life, the Nuns & Nones Land Justice Project offers another way to discern and engage in decisions regarding land and the use of resources that are contemplative, creative, and just. In a manner of respect and collaboration, the Nuns & Nones Land Justice Team works alongside religious congregations to reconcile, restore, and regenerate relationships that have experienced racial harm and rapacious commodification. In solidarity and blessed unrest, these relationships hold the potential for transformation that will bring new life to all people and the planet.”

~Joan Gallagher, CSJ


“I have a deeper understanding of the interconnection between ecological, social, and racial justice issues and how each of these aspects needs to be considered when making land disposition decisions. Hearing directly from members of Black, Indigenous, and other dispossessed communities has deepened my understanding…I have a better grasp that there are multiple ways to bring about land justice, with openness and creativity.”

~ ann pratt, racine dominicans

The Land Justice Team of the Racine Domincians

“The Land Justice Project opened my eyes. I have learned so much and discovered a passion for land justice that I didn't know I had. People in the Loretto Community are enthusiastic about the project in general and the recordings of the retreat are still being viewed and discussed. I take great hope from working with such dedicated people and am grateful for the wisdom, enthusiasm, and energy of the younger people who make up the Nuns and Nones Land Justice team and faculty. I encourage any Congregation that is considering participating in the next group to do so because you will gain so much and have the chance to make a real difference.”

~ Carole Eschen, Sisters of Loretto

Corinne Sanders (center) with Brittany and Sarah from the Land Justice Team.

“ The Land Justice Retreat experienced by our sisters opened the doors to a richer, broader understanding of how we talk about living on this land that has supported us over these 100+ years. Protecting, Regenerating, and Expanding Land Equity and Access are becoming central to the decisions we make.”

~ Corinne Sanders, Adrian Dominicans