Featured Land Justice Resources

Resources by Nuns & Nones

This three-part series will take readers on an introductory tour through the themes of Landback, land reparations, regenerative stewardship and collective ownership. Each issue includes context for the theme, real-life examples, tangible next steps, and scenarios to imagine. Click the banner above to download the briefs, or email us to inquire about a mailed hard copy for your community at land@nunsandnones.org.

Created in the summer of 2020, this “ABC’s of Course Correction” zine brought together ideas from Movement Generation’s webinar series “Course Correction: Just Transition In The Age Of COVID-19.” Over 200 sisters and seekers from our network participated in that 5-session series, which continues to influence our hearts, minds, and work today! Gratitude to our friends at MG for your continued brilliance, and the many artists from Nuns & Nones who contributed pages!