September newsletter: From Despair to Repair - take action with us!

Dear friends,

In a world that is on fire, zoomed out, in debt, and fearing for the guarantee of a democratic election, despair can be a familiar feeling right now. Hidden deep in that familiar, desperate yearning is a wise and clear message: This isn’t right.

And the thing is, no matter the news cycle, it ain’t right. Underneath the urgent now-ness of the week’s events is a centuries-old system that was built on the capture of land, labor, and spirit. In the words of a favorite song of ours and an anthem for the Poor People’s Campaign, “Somebody’s hurting our people. And it’s gone on far too long. And we won’t stay silent anymore.”

The contemplative call in this moment is to truly listen into the roots of despair, all the way to its source, and to let a deep and holy yearning for repair shape our every choice. From there, we act—together.

This season, we are inviting you to move with us from despair to repair—starting by taking action together on the most important election in our lifetimes, and then continuing to journey with us on the long-haul commitment to pursuing repair in today’s world.

The Poor People’s Campaign is coming together “to organize our moral outrage against systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and the false moral narrative of religious nationalism into a powerful moral fusion movement that votes.” Nuns & Nones has joined in their 1000:1000 Prophetic Pledge, a call for 1,000 groups to mobilize at least 1,000 poor and low-income voters each before the 2020 election.

Can we count on you to join us?

The Pledge is our first step in a Season of Repair, a time dedicated to exploring, living out, and practicing a commitment to repair in our everyday lives. In addition to taking calls or texts on your own time, mark your calendars for a Day of Sacred Action on Saturday, October 10 from 1-5pm ET. We’ll bookend a day of “pledge work” with community time to reflect on the role of repair in our own lives. 

Sign up today to be a part of the pledge, community conversations, and the Day of Action.  

From learning to #CourseCorrect, to getting out the vote, to supporting each other to show up for whatever comes next, we’re humbled and grateful to be in it with you. Thanks for being our reason to move out of despair and toward repair.

We’ll see you out there,
-the NN team